Fairy tales for children

Children are born differently. Some it is spontaneous, practically in itself. And some after careful consideration and under the plan. samoletik transaero is among the first. As well as my daughter Nella for whom it has been thought up. The idea belonged to it. A daughter, it is necessary to tell, very much was proud of that I work in big and known company-plane "ÔÓá¡ßáÝÓ«". And every evening, going to bed, she spoke same: «mum, tell a fairy tale about samoletike transaero». And mum told. How it was born, how studied what histories happened to it as it to itself(himself) has found the friend and even as has fallen in love. Then Nellochke was three, now – seven. samoletik till now grows together with it and all as calls a keen interest. And some fairy tales from «told and forgotten» have turned in «recollected and written down». So if also to you it became interesting – only tell. We will recollect and will write down still!

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As samoletik transaero the first passengers carried

Since transaero the examination flight first in the life has executed is when it fly into a rage wood passengers took – all school only about him and spoke. And animals in wood as with samoletikom were proud of acquaintance! Also liked it. Once it has not arrived is because of a cold – so all animals have terribly become agitated! And here still Mishutka with the reflexions «I, speak, it is good our friend I know. If he has not come to see, means, business serious. Probably, was ill». And it even a nose has slipped: so strongly worried. All animals were alarmed. Mouses with belochkami began curative to collect grasses – the whole bag have typed. Bees have brought honey. All the day long there-here flied, honey in pads carried. Have got tired terribly — but whole to a flank have brought. Bears of a berry useful collected, that samoletik to treat.

transaero next day on a clearing has arrived and very much was surprised. Around animals fuss – who dries berries, who curative in bunches collects a grass, who any cooks broths.

- What here at you happens? – Has loudly asked transaero because anybody did not notice it – everyone has been engaged in by the business.

Animals have amicably turned back and have cried unanimously so, that samoletik has not become deaf nearly: «Ur-and-a-a! transaero has returned!». Here and Mishutka has run up.

- We here it … As there it … – it mjalsja-was rumpled and in any way a current could not explain anything – We thought, you were ill. Here – to treat you were going to.

samoletik has attentively examined their preparations and has cheerfully burst out laughing

- Yes that you, I do not drink it! At planes absolutely other medicines.

- And what you drink? What medicines at you? Tell! – animals have begun to make a racket.

samoletiku it was necessary to wait, while all animals will calm down and rassjadutsja it is more convenient round it.

- The present big planes – it has begun the story — eat special aviation fuel, it is called ТС-1. And not to be ill, at all grasses and berries are necessary to us, and different-different technical butters. With one butter flaps to grease, another – chassis bearings, the third – in engines to fill in. Here. And in general, the main thing – preventive maintenance. Then also illnesses any will not be. After all samoletik not how the person is arranged. If something in an organism breaks, fails – it is possible and to replace. The main thing – in time to understand, that something with you not so.

- How to replace?! – animals were surprised. – same it is sick!

Yes is not present, — with a smile has answered transaero – unpleasantly, of course, but it is quite possible to suffer. To us, planes, even – oh, that is the engine it is possible new to put heart. The main thing – illness in time to distinguish and at once to the doctor to the Engineer to address.

Animals listened attentively and then long were silent – probably, tried to present all it to itself.

- It that, — has not sustained, at last, Mishutka, — if my daddy was plane, he now would not limp? To it simply a paw new would sew, when it in a trap hunting has pleased in the last spring?

- Yes. – has answered transaero sympathetically. – all is correct. Would change to your daddy a paw, that is a chassis rack, – and business with the end. After all to us, planes neither to limp, nor to sneeze, to cough it is impossible. Lives of people depend On our health!

After that conversation all animals in wood have definitively decided, that transaero – very-very important and more – magic. It is necessary after all – and a paw to it to change it is possible, and heart. There are such miracles! Those animals which passengers to do some flying have especially grown proud of acquaintance with samoletikom it was possible.

And it, despite all these conversations in wood, did not lift up a nose. Also knew, that in all it is necessary to aspire to perfection, and therefore was accepted to study with even big diligence and diligence. After all one business – animals to take for a drive, and absolutely another – to carry people. Here special knowledge and abilities are necessary. And the main thing – responsibility. It when all you supervise and you are able to be disciplined.

transaero was able. It always the first came to school. Lessons right after employment did. The portfolio collected in advance, that in the morning on a room not to rush about. All teachers yours faithfully concerned, and they very much liked it. That — attentive, clever, diligent and to neighbours in a writing-book never looks. Therefore it to a board often called. And samoletik only rejoiced – after all when the person – that is the plane – all has learnt in advance, it is not terrible to it to go to a board. And on the contrary — it is very pleasant to answer at each lesson, the knowledge to show. 

So transaero also studied. At first it was, of course, difficult. It is a lot of subjects, on everyone a homework set. But he has got used to consult quickly with all affairs. And every day to it all became easier and easier. And it became then absolutely easy. And here once, when this most "then" has already come and more many months has passed, the Professor has asked transaero to be late in a class after employment.

- Mister Transaero … – has said the Professor and has become silent. And samoletik very much was confused this word "mister" — earlier its Professor that of "young man" "young man" always named. transaero at once has understood, that conversation is necessary serious.

- Mister Transaero, — has specially repeated the Professor – should you tell, that the meeting of pedagogical collective of our school – that is all teachers yesterday has taken place. And we long-long together solved, that else can learn you. We have come to a common opinion: you already know everything, that it is necessary to know to the present air vessel.

- Yes? – Having looked down, has asked transaero. – But I yet have understood all! For example, about the different countries where I will fly, about people – my future passengers.

- O-o-o-o! – the professor has smiled. — about the countries you learn a lot of the interesting. When will visit there. Moreover and to us will tell. – it has winked samoletiku. – And as to people … — He has deeply sighed and has reflected. – Here it is necessary to understand one: people need to be liked. To like and protect! Here so, the young man.

- I like! – has with great feeling answered transaero. – I also studied to protect people, understand? I know, people are the main thing!

- Well here. – With a smile the Professor has answered. – therefore I also say, that you have already learnt all!

The professor has reflected, and has then continued.

- So, the decision is accepted. You need to pass final examinations. Also can begin an adult life — a difficult and interesting life of the plane. Receive the diploma and start the real, most difficult, responsible and perfect job on light – to carry people. What will tell?

- I am ready! – has with great feeling answered samoletik.

The professor has nodded, obodrjajushche has smiled transaero and has friendly clapped it on a wing. 

 And here there has come that day when transaero should leave school. In the morning to it in an assembly hall have handed over the first and most important diploma in a life. The main diploma of the plane is called so: «Certificate ekspluatanta». And without it in the airport to get it is impossible, passengers aboard to take. And after solemn delivery all: both teachers, and planes, and animals wood were going to on a school court yard that with transaero to say goodbye. samoletik was happy and very proud of that starts out the present adult life. But to it did not give rest thought that it is necessary to leave for ever with liked by friends. He understood — will not be fast at it time to see them. After all the plane life is painted on minutes – has arrived, there and then prepare in new flight, took passengers aboard, at once fly up. It is a lot of people and all wish to see the distant countries, new cities. And these cities so it is far, that only the fast and strong plane can deliver there passengers.

transaero about all it thought, and to it it became sad. Especially it has become sad, when has noticed, that Mishutka turns away from it, hiding tears on eyes. The bear cub very much worried because of forthcoming separation.

- And where you will live now? – Trying not to give out a voice of the upset feelings, has asked Mishutka.

- At the airport. – transaero has sighed. It was very heavy to see to it how wood friends were upset. – I to you told – remember? It is such house for planes. More precisely – the huge field, and on him – is a lot of houses for air courts. Such houses are called as hangars.

- Yes? – Mishutka has looked on transaero. – At you too the – this as it is a hangar will be?

- Certainly. – has answered transaero.

- And on a visit to you it will be possible to come? – Has quickened Mishutka.

- Mish, — transaero very much tried not to offend the friend and did not begin to say that on an airfield where there live planes, without special admissions suppose nobody – same very far. I need to fly almost four hours. And you as will reach?

- Yes-a-a. – Has agreed Mishutka, having heaved a deep sigh. – I will not reach. And at the airport of it the name is? I will know at least, where do you live. On a map this place I will find.

- Is! – transaero was delighted and surprised. He earlier, that Mishutka did not notice such inquisitive. And the main thing – same it, samoletik to use its map has learnt. – this airport is in Russia, in Moscow. Is called as the Sheremetyevo.

- Good. – Mishutka has a little become cheerful. – I will look at a map, I will find Moscow, and I will know, that you there. And you will be in our corner of the world – necessarily in wood arrive! We after all always wait for you. – has absolutely silently added Mishutka.

transaero very much tried not to burst into tears – so it has been touched by farewell.

- I am obligatory to you I will arrive! – it has cried out so that to all who stood on a school court yard, was audible. – I to you will arrive!

It has waved at parting a wing and has prepared for launch.

In Moscow the life samoletika has begun to seethe and has begun to boil. As soon as transaero has landed at the Sheremetyevo airport, he was met by any people. And parents too there were – joyful, proud, happy. Have congratulated him on leaving school, with the diploma and the daddy, not lingering, has started quickly all to explain.

- transaero, listen. – he has told very business and serious tone. – now all of us will go to look your new house – that is a hangar. And then, not postponing, we will be engaged in a logo. You remember, I promised?

- I remember! – was delighted samoletik is such picture which distinguishes different planes from each other. An emblem, yes?

- Precisely! And we with mum already have thought up all. And artists have drawn the project on a paper. Look!

And transaero has looked. On a picture very proud and beautiful plane has been drawn. Itself all white, on one side — huge dark blue letters «TRANSAERO», and on kile flaunted a bright logo – a triangle consisting of red and dark blue strips, reminding under the form itself kil.

- Fine! – has delightfully whispered samoletik. Is that, I such will be?

- Well it is final! – the daddy very much was delighted, that transaero it was pleasant. – Artists already here as we will come in a hangar – they will be accepted at once to job.

- Done! – With readiness has answered samoletik. – Now all on light will know, how my name is! And it is not sick, when on you draw? – ozabochenno he has asked.

- Well you! – the daddy has burst out laughing. – is faster shchekotno. However, it is necessary to suffer and not to twitch, and that still will turn out ugly. – he has seriously added.

- I will suffer. – has told samoletik.

And it has fairly kept the promise. Really, huge brushes of artists, to which had to get on a special ladder to get to the plane, awfully tickled a side. And then – and kil. But transaero has sustained and has not laughed at all though it very much would like. But, when job has been finished, and it has lifted eyes to consider itself(himself) in a brilliant roof of a hangar even has gasped with admiration. Here now it became the present plane – majestic, powerful, beautiful! And soon all will see, that it is it, transaero

- Well as? – Chorus have asked mum with the daddy.

- It is pleasant to me! – has joyfully answered samoletik. – And when I will see the passengers?

- Do not hurry up! – mum Has smiled. – today it is necessary for you as it is necessary to have a rest. And tomorrow – ours with you the first flight.

- Yes? Already? Where we fly? – Has with emotion begun to chatter transaero.

- Do not worry! – his mother has calmed. – we together it is obligatory with all we will consult. You will depart to very ancient country. It is called Israel.

- I know-know! – has recollected transaero. Is such ancient state which was formed in the third millenium B.C. Only earlier it was called in another way: Judea, Palestin. Only in 1948 David Ben-Gurion has proclaimed creation of the independent state Israel. His name then still the airport have named. I about it in the textbook on history of foreign countries read.    

- Well done – mum Has praised. – at you remarkable memory. And tomorrow you own eyes will see the airport named by a name well-known Ben-Guriona.

- Gee whizz! – Was delighted samoletik. To it it was not believed in any way, that only yesterday it has received the first diploma – Certificate ekspluatanta – and tomorrow will already execute the real flight. – and whom I will carry?

- People who wish to return on the historical native land. – mum has answered. — without you, the darling, they could not reach Israel in any way. After all it is very far!

- As it is healthy, that I can help them! – Was delighted samoletik — Mummy and what «the historical native land» means?

- It is the country where there lived your ancestors; — mum has started to explain — where were born the grandmother with the grandfather, and, can, and mum with the daddy. Even if you were born in other country, the native land of ancestors – your historical native land.

-  And at me the historical native land is?

- Is, of course, — mum – Russia has laughed. Here and you were born, and your parents. So the native land at you one.

- And it is good! – has told samoletik and has yawned.

- Well, all. – mum has told. – allow to sleep, tomorrow you should wake up early.

- No trouble. – falling asleep, has spoken samoletik. – I have got used. 

In the morning it has risen with the first beams of the sun. The autumn already came to an end – all trees stood without foliage, and pools became covered in the mornings by an ice crust. Was on November, 5th, 1991.

transaero has left the hangar on an airfield. People have there and then run up to it – Engineers, Cleaners, Zapravshchiki and many other things – all who helps the plane to be prepared for flight and to rise in the sky. Cleaners have washed samoletik – both inside, and outside, Engineers have attentively examined it, whether have checked up all as it should be, have asked, whether anything is ill, Zapravshchiki have filled with aviation fuel – so that transaero has not got hungry on road. And forty minutes prior to launch samoletik already stood at a telegangway – joyful, shining, beautiful – and waited for the first passengers. Through glass walls of a telegangway he observed, how to it there are people. Young and old, low and high – different. But equally happy and smiling because they, at last, could return home – to the family. They bore with themselves a lot of prophetic – bags, suitcases. samoletik has thought, that to it in air it will be not easy, but he knew, that will consult.

Soon all was ready. Passengers settle in the places, the telegangway has started to drive off from the closed door of the plane slowly. transaero has got up courage and has started talking.

- Dear expensive passengers! I am glad to welcome you on first flight transaero. I hope, flight will leave at you only good impression, and you remember this remarkable day – on fifth of November, one thousand nine hundred ninety first. – samoletik has a little thought and has told. – plane Transaero birthday. Because yet there were no you – passengers – there was no also a present plane. – it has made a pause and has finished. – with all my heart I wish you pleasant flight and happy homecoming! In some minutes we start launch, therefore I ask you not to rise from armchairs and to fasten fastened belts ».

Passengers liked a pleasant tender voice samoletika. And still — its wishes and that they became participants of such solemn and important event – plane Birthday. They have amicably applauded. But as soon as have stopped to slap hands together – at once were fastened. Because were clever and knew, that safety onboard – first of all.

And then transaero has gone on a runway. He very much tried to be dispersed and fly up as more as possible smoothly. It very much would like, that to passengers it was convenient, that them did not shake in the plane and that they liked flight. samoletik knew, that all it depends on skill of an air vessel, and felt, that will consult.

When has passed three hours, and transaero Ben-Gurion has softly landed at the Israeli airport, passengers have again clapped the hands. They joyfully smiled, shouted samoletiku «Gallantly!» Also praised it. Flight has passed so smoothly and so well, what even old grandfathers and grandmothers felt remarkably. The head was not ill them from huge height, pressure "did not play pranks". Each passenger, leaving the plane, spoke «Thanks!», and transaero joyfully answered: «I Will be happy to see you again!». And the passenger then added «Necessarily!» Or «it is indispensable!». It seemed, as if for three hours of flight all of them became for it close, liked and native people. And transaero sincerely rejoiced, that has managed to make it pleasant.

Back it flied one – from Israel it that day did not have passengers. Then samoletik yet did not know, that will pass very few time and people on its flights will be very much-many: both from Moscow, and from Israel. And all in two years – in November of one thousand nine hundred ninety third — it will receive one more important diploma under the name «Appointed Carrier» and there is the most important Russian plane on a route Moscow-Tel-Aviv-Moskva. 

transaero has landed at the airport of the Sheremetyevo in the evening – it was already dark, and the runway beautifully shone red and yellow fires. Hardly in the distance sparkled multi-coloured sparks and a huge mighty city – Moscow. samoletik delightfully looked at Moscow and thought «And after all there there live many people. Millions. And all of them can become my passengers. Only for this purpose I should work, it is a lot of fly and is always careful and with love to concern people». He has deeply reflected and has not noticed, how round it other planes, mum with the daddy and people who worked at the airport were going to.

- Hurrah-a-a to plane Transaero! – they have joyfully cried. – it is wished happy birthday the most remarkable air vessel!

samoletik tenderly looked at them and smiled. And then all of them have together gone to celebrate the best day – Birthday transaero.

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