
The poem always was for me the form of expression of feelings. In two-three stanzas finds room much – the overflowing emotions asking on will of thought, impetuous passion. Not having possibility to give vent to this all on a paper, for a long time would descend suma from an overabundance of feelings. And so – anything, it was possible to consult. Improbably it would be desirable, not spending, certainly, not deserved analogies to repeat thereupon Sergey Yesenin's words: «as to other autobiographical data, - they in my verses».

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You were right, as never

* * *

You were right, as never,
Though I to listen did not want –
Smoet time water
Dirt from the on sale body.
Will carry away its stream
In oblivion wood, yes in a thicket.
porastet it bylem
With a year everyone to thicket-thicket.
But dushoju to trade,
Hearts to take out particles
Yes in employment love to hand over –
No, such not to be excused.
It spirit inside you will kill,
Yourself, having sold, you will tear down.
Even if to a body you say lies –
Do not betray the soul.


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12.12.2007 12:14 Cut off wings -
Has fallen...
Long laid.
Tried to rise,
But so already also has not risen
Vkrov the person has broken,
Hands has broken.
And I so liked!
You expected....
(From own).

© Mashkova Irina Vladimirovna, 2007

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